Monday, June 23, 2008

new in town

hey!!! my profile says who i am, but my writeup suppose speak more of me abi? well let me first welcome me here and hail all older and senior bloggerss....respect to them parcis....
from a distance is my theme here, why? well, blogging is like renewing my dead writing skills...not a writer though...but i had ords and scripts that oozed from deep within while growing up. it was a habit of joy mixed with emotion to write bout all that happened in a day, wat i remembered from the past, wat i wanted in the future, how i met someone or how i planned my next move. anyways....

story story, STORY!!! once upon a time, in '97, i started a law diploma programme in BSU, Mkd, ómó boredom wan kill me? d lecture sef no get head or tail; all students wannna form die; my lecture hall come be base backyard of female hostel latrine/bathroom/laundry shed. 4giveness all students from the school...but my fav of lectures was the law of tortsI, whereby the prof in question was brief and yellow, so each time he came in to give lecture, all his examples where based on the underwear dept spread out to dry from the gals kingdom; until d day soakaway broke, then end of lecture from d dude(i think someone did it on purpose cos it lasted for two weeks) wat was the essence of this story again? oh ok, how i left the dump and escalated into UNIBUJA where i met a special blogger who actually introduced me to this point....and other kolomental people who am proud to call my be continued.

i dey work now and my concentration is been tossed around, so this is just an avenue to get the hang of bloggin, and seek advice from my mentors and esteemed full bloggers(some of you are a crack in my upper belly)on how to promote my page n be as sassy...
